Thursday 6 October 2022

G for galamsey: Aisha Huang dissing our G-strings after messing our G-spot

Every G in the heading represents galamsey, i.e. illegal small-scale mining. Whichever other meaning known to you or which you want to customize and or seek to coopt doesn’t apply. For all it is worth, this is my piece.

Galamsey queen so-called, Aisha Huang, left the shores of the country on a controversial note, certainly not as controversial as my headline.

By her G actions at the time, Ms. Huang, then known only as Aisha Huang, touched very sensitive spots of the Ghanaian sensitivity relative to environmental degradation.

Alleged at the time, Aisha and her G-gang were accused of engaging in galamsey despite the pain it was causing Ghana’s farmlands and waterbodies.

Their action was akin to touching our collective G-strings, even as we (the wearers) had expressly asked against the G-gang doing so – crime detected. Aisha and her G-gang triggered lots of worry for their breaches and the itches they ostensibly caused.

The nolle prosequi of 2018

Here, the state decided through our AG at the time that Aisha was anointed and needed not be touched and with no need to be asked further questions despite her G-crimes.

I put it to myself: could she have been driven in a G-wagon and sent to KIA for her flight to somewhere, Beijing or Guanghou? We are told she left aboard Ethiopian Airlines and transited in Addis Ababa on her journey away from our G-sites.

Four years on, Aisha returns having mutated, but like a COVID variant, still in the coronavirus family, Aisha we hear was still in G-related business, she is re-arrested and boy oh boy we all go into a new round of G-frenzy.

Thanks to Non-Citizen G-Card records, we now know Aisha was not her real name, in comes the official name “En” thanks to the National Identification Authority.

The news that Huang En was back in G-business after her ‘Second Coming,’ a re-entry which is currently disputed, with government claiming it was via official routes whereas a prosecutor claims it was a “sneak in.”

Either way, the fact that Aisha / En Huang was back in town and doing G-business was a case of a person who had mastered the art of toying with our national G-spot.

The sensitivity I alluded to earlier is of our collective security amid looming terrorist threats. Aisha had at a point beaten the ‘system’ and had exposed our G-spot.

The associated politics is / was to be expected and the deportation, repatriation, sneak in – sneak out whataboutism is little but a play with the G-strings of over politicking with a matter that has exposed that spot that we collectively agree must be protected at all cost.

Our G-spot. This last G refers to ‘gold,’ our Gold-spots are predominantly being Huang-ed by ‘Aisha En’ co. And oh, now the official documents show that she is also Ruixia.

Without prejudice to facts deposed to in affidavits before the courts – if any, as for me, what I know is that strings or spots, we must sit up and do right by ourselves before one day, all we can say is ‘Geez.’

Time is now my Gs. Peace, out!