Saturday 28 November 2015

A Climate on RED ALERT!

The looming danger is COLOSSAL, and comes across as GLOBAL.

So much is the destruction PACE, at grave peril is the human RACE.

Across all the CONTINENTS, the devastation is IMINENT.

Its increasingly a huge DISSIDENT, to our hitherto clean ENVIRONMENT.

Lets be wary of the ozone GASES, they’re potent enemies of the MASSES.

The disadvantage is DISTINCT, sure to render all living things EXTINCT.

Indeed there’s every reason to FRET, over this devastating THREAT.

There’s a change in our CLIMATE, to us it must be of prime RATE.

Climate change comes as an INCIDENCE, with grave and negative CONSEQUENCE.

Albeit the situation is MEAN, we have an answer in the colour GREEN.

This phenomenon is no DELUSION, let’s strive towards a lasting SOLUTION.

And with a united ACCORD, let’s all get on BOARD.