Thursday 11 October 2018

Dear Allah, a billionaire proof of your will at work, ease his affairs, ameen.

Bismil Laah, al hamdu lil Laah!

Indeed all praise and thanks is due to Allah for the blessing of Islam and of life. We'd be of the ungrateful to not give thanks and praise to HIM for all we benefit of his boundless largess.

Our continued frailty and vulnerability even through the actions of our fellow man is always thrust into our faces at every turn.

That we will wind up in a totally different state that we were the next minute is something that Islam teaches us so that we can be mindful of all we do at every and any point in time. So goes the hadith, that if morning reaches us, we should not think it is constant that we'd make it to the evening and vice versa.

The gentleman in the photo below is Africa's youngest billionaire - Mohammed Dewji of Tanzania. He has since Thursday morning been kidnapped. He was going to a gym at a plush hotel in the commercial capital Dar es Salaam when his abductors struck.

A prayer: Yaa Allah, comfort all persons directly and indirectly affected by this incident. Return the brother safely in due course and may this episode be a blessing to all concerned in the general scheme of events. Ameen.

Photo to the left is of him praying, just last Friday with a message I surmise was in Swahili. Apparently, on the same day, he attended a book launch by his sister. He couldn't have ever thought that he'd be held by strangers come the next Friday - but is that not the exact point about our reality?

A billionaire worth over $1bn, what could have stopped him from putting a state-of-the-art gym in his bedroom, not even in his house.

How much would it have cost for him to hire muscular men or contract private security even as the state for police guards seeing that he is a former member of parliament?

There certainly are many more commonsensical question all can peddle but reality is what it is that Allah plans for our lives will be what plays out.

Allah tests us as HE will, may this be a test for the brother and for the family and other associates. And for the abductors, may Allah deal with them as it pleases HIM.

Let us as a people cherish the ability to move around and appreciate the strength and state of mind to conduct our daily affairs. Let's for our own good, be good to all and seek Allah's assistance whiles at it.

Safar 3, 1440H = Octover 13, 2018

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