Tuesday 2 October 2018

Sadaqa Train: Goodness railway with humanity at heart


Sadaqah Train, ST, is simply an Islamic youth group touting (strongly advertising) itself as having the Ummah (Muslim Community) at heart. At its own heart – effective mobilization, sacrifice and credibility.

I am 100% "dormant" member of the lot who do all it takes to ensure that the plight of Muslims particularly in the hinterland is bettered – bettered one step at a time, with measured impact at every turn.

One cannot call it a fast-bullet type train but even if it were a locomotive machine the likes of which were first built, Sadaqah Train can boast of so much than perhaps its leadership envisaged when they formed it years ago.

The Triple Trip of September 2018

ST’s most recent undertaking was as is usual, a three-pronged mission to impart and impact the lives of people in a community each across its three sectors. Its flier for the coordinated September 21, 2018 trip read in part: ‘Triple Trip – Someh, Offinso Adagya, Ngani Witch Camp.’

Okay, so the train has been split into three main sectors – the Southern, the Middle and Northern sectors. Anyone with a good knowledge of Ghana’s geographical algorithm should grasp the rationale.

One would think the trip will be strictly based on religious grounds but guess what, the southern sector mission as far as I followed it took medical expertise and care to the people of Someh located in southern Ghana.

For the year 2017, ST undertook a mélange of activities that spanned the education (literary project), health (hospital visitation) and humanitarian (orphan support, borehole drilling) projects.

With the ending of one trip comes the rolling out of the next, it is a ‘no time to waste time,’ regime that comes with challenges but which a core group of activists help to carry along at each turn – may Allah reward the efforts of the active ST powerhouses.

ST – The who and why?

ST wrote on their website: 'The word “sadaqa” is an Arabic word which means voluntary charity. Sadaqa Train is an association of Muslim youth registered as a non-governmental organization with the Registrar General’s Department of Ghana.

'Our main aim is to help the vulnerable, poor and needy people in our societies in the best way we can and also to bridge the gap of comfort and knowledge between the cities and the rural communities in Ghana.

'To achieve this noble cause, we have endeavoured to visit many communities in all the regions of Ghana since our inception in August 2013 (Ramadan 1434).'

Since its inception as they say from humble beginnings, the Train’s footprints continue to spread across the country. The herculean organizational processes notwithstanding, ST continues to accrue credibility in different areas.

Wrap up

The growth spurt and trajectory of the train shows that it will have to continue building more rails for now across the country.

So that when it is that the locomotive engines become well-grounded from within, bilaa shaqq (without a doubt), we gon break boundaries insha Allah, bi idhnil Laah. ST says it has the Ummah at heart surely the beneficiaries and donors also have them at heart.

May we together as one be at the heart of Allah’s pleasure. Ameen

22 Muharram, 1440 = 02 October, 2018

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