Sunday 17 December 2017

Masjid tales (2) The partially paralyzed man - Afflicted but committed

He is partially paralyzed but Magrib and Ishae, particularly, hardly passes him despite his affliction. He walks with the aid of a stick in his right hand as he holds his phone and tasbih with the left.

He is always early to come to the mosque and is about the only other person with a permanent spot aside the Imam. His foldable chair is always stationed at the far left of the first row in the masjid.

His first act is always to drop his stick beside his chair, exchange pleasantries with those sitting beside him before he prays a naafil and await the salat.

That's his foldable chair leaning against the wall

His type of greeting, hmmmmmm. He uses his left hand - it is functional of the two. The other is for support and yet the smile on the faces of the people he greets.

As Magrib is dispatched and we await Ishae he usually prefers to lie on his back as he engages in Azkaar with the tasbih firmly clutched in his left hand.

How he gets to lie down again. Another riveting process. He drops a knee, then another. Before he tosses his back to the wall and drags himself away from the wall till he lays on his back fully.

The solidarity that greets his coming and exiting is absolutely heartwarming as everyone seeks to be of help. From those that help him don and remove his shoes, those that prepare his seat and the many others who offer him greetings.

And he comes across as the very appreciative type who thanks in double. His is an affliction but one that as per what I see draws him closer to the mosque than many able-bodied persons.

I pray for him and the many that offer to help him daily. A prayer extension to the people at his home. May Allah reward them with good for the help they offer him. May he reap the benefits of his affliction in this dunya and beyond.

Permit me to end with a quotation used in the beginning of the first part of my Masjid tales series

"If an ailment affects your body, head for the hospital
Likewise, If an ailment affects your soul, head to the masjid." 

May Allah increase us in khayr and with barakah. The concluding part of this series is of the Muazzin who has one hand. I wish I could upload his call to prayer. A beautiful soothing voice he has. May Allah reward his khidmah. 

Typical Jum'ah congregation Pointe-Noire, Republic of Congo - The street worshippers. Lol

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